Minerva Fountain Join Registrar/Coordinator (JRC) configuration

A VirtualBox VMDK format VM in OVA format is available, please see . This assumes you are running the Fountain JRC in a container, but if you are running it as a full VM, then you will login via ssh.


ssh fountain@eeylops


lxc exec fountain -- su fountain

cd fountain/current

List of tasks:

rake -T | grep fountain

When running rake comments, you may see an annoying warning:

...cow_proxy-0.2.0/lib/cow_proxy.rb:131: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

These are benign, although annoying.

rake fountain:s0_setup_jrc

summary: Do initial setup of sytem variables

This should be run once after installation. It is interactive. It first prints out the list of the current variables, and then will ask a series of questions and store the result into a database table devoted to configuration information. Hitting enter will accept the previous value.

fountain@fountain1:~/fountain/current$ rake fountain:s0_setup_jrc
Set initial serial number(default 0): 2356
Hostname for this instance(default ): gambol.sandelman.ca
serialnumber: 2356
hostname:  gambol.sandelman.ca

The first question is what the hostname for this instance will be. The hostname will be placed into the generated certificate for HTTPS and COAPS connections. Whether or not this is critical depends upon whether the pledge libraries validate the name.

The serial number should be a random number. It is used for generating a certificate with the above name. It will be randomized in a future version. It is also used during simple enrollment, but as that feature is presently broken, once simpleenrollment works, it will also be unnecessary.

rake fountain:s1_registrar_ca

This method should be run once (after h0) to generate a self-signed certificate to be the domain owner’s Certificate Authority. This certificate will be stored at db/cert.

fountain@fountain1:~/fountain/current$ rake fountain:s1_registrar_ca

fountain@fountain1:~/fountain/current$ ls -l db/cert/.
-rw-r--r-- 1 fountain fountain 916 Nov  5 03:30 ownerca_secp384r1.crt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fountain fountain 288 Nov  5 03:30 ownerca_secp384r1.key

Unlike highway, the variable $CERTDIR is presently ignored.

rake fountain:s2_create_registrar

This method should be run once (after h1) to generate a certificate (signed by the vendor CA certificate) which will be used to as the registrar certificate. This will also be used as the TLS Server Certificate for the BRSKI process. The cmcRA extension will be set if the underlying openssl permits this extension. Sadly, such extensions require source code patches.

fountain@fountain1:~/fountain/current$ rake fountain:s2_create_registrar
Can not setup cmcRA extension, as openssl not patched, continuing anyway...

fountain@fountain1:~/fountain/current$ ls -l db/cert/.
total 5
-rw-r--r-- 1 fountain fountain 700 Nov  5 03:31 jrc_prime256v1.crt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fountain fountain 227 Nov  5 03:31 jrc_prime256v1.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 fountain fountain 916 Nov  5 03:30 ownerca_secp384r1.crt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fountain fountain 288 Nov  5 03:30 ownerca_secp384r1.key

Unlike highway, the variable $CERTDIR is presently ignored.

Running Fountain Join-Registrar/Coordinator (JRC)

To start the server, once it is configured:

lxc exec fountain -- su fountain

bin/startj6rc -D &
bin/startjrc -D &

The -D will put a few debug message in the foreground, but the bulk of the debug will be in a lot file. The startj6rc starts the CoAPS (constrained) responder. The startjrc starts the HTTPS (non-constrained) responder. Note that the ruby binary has been marked as permitted to bind port 443 via the script at: /home/mcr/src/testing/fix-ruby-port443. In order to make this work, some ruby and openssl library paths have been added to /etc/ld.so.conf.

tail -f fountain/shared/log/production.log &

Will show the entire log file as it grows.

A production load Registrar server would use the passenger plugin to Apache to scale better. A high-capacity Registrar server would make use of a three-tier web framework (presentation-tier/load-balancer, application server-tier, and database-tier) to do typical web scaling. Setting up such a system is not in the scope for this document, please contact Sandelman Software Works for help setting such an environment up.

The /version URL does not currently work in Fountain, it will be added.

The CoAPS and HTTPS code can run at the same time.
