Setup database and run examples for highway

Minerva Highway MASA R&D configuration

ANIMA on the command line

The Highway Manufacturer Authorized Signing Authority (MASA) is an RFC8995 compliant BRSKI-MASA server. It includes support for both RFC8366 vouchers, and COSE/CBOR based constrained vouchers.

It is designed to be deployed into a three-tier application framework with a front-end like Passenger, and a Postgres database backend. It is available in the form of LXC, VMDK, and docker images, as well as as virtual appliance format.

This guide does not describe how to do production deployment, but rather how to set it up for R&D work. In such a configuration it runs as a single threaded foreground process answering HTTPS requests on localhost using a unique port number.

In many other systems, the HTTPS and certificate aspect of the system is not an essential part of the mechanism and R&D uses can often skip that. This is not the case for BRSKI: the security mechanisms are woven into the protocol and so getting them all setup correctly is essential for correct usage.

Assuming that the code has been installed in /someplace/highway as described in Minerva Highway MASA and Fountain JRC local configuration use, then a test case situation is configured easily using the included can-o-pg present in the etc submodule.

% cd /someplace/highway/
% make

This step should locate the postgresql server executable and then initialize a postgresql cluster in the directory run/dbcluster. The command make stop will stop the cluster, and the command make clean will completely remove it.

If you get an error

WHERE IS POSTGRESQL/initdb --encoding=utf8 -D /someplace/highway/run/dbcluster

then the scripts failed to find an installed version of postgresql 9,10,11,12,13,14.

To complete the template installation, copy the generated database.yml:

% cp etc/database.yml ./config/database.yml

Update the database schema and run the test cases:

% bundle exec rake db:migrate
% bundle exec rake spec

Note that you say messages like: “Running MCR modified Jun 12 2022!” (but with the date you built openssl). This is just some debugging to make sure that the correct openssl library has been used.

As of 2022-06-12, you may see a single “1 failure” for a pending test that should have failed but which did not. There are also 9 incomplete tests marked pending.

A MASA is a web service that provides authorization for a transfer of ownership of the (IoT) device to the entity (an enterprise or home owner) which is operating the proximate Registrar. There are many more details in RFC8366. The MASA must is contacted by the Registrar over HTTPS. The Registrar finds the MASA by examining the IDevID certificate that is presented by the device. This requires coordination of a number of things: the MASA must have a name, the name must map to an IP address that the Registrar can reach, and the device must have an IDevID certificate that the MASA had a part in creating.

The Highway MASA can manage all this coordination through a series of rake tasks:

% rake -T
rake highway:h0_set_hostname            # Do initial setup of system variables, ...
rake highway:h0_setup_masa              # Do initial setup of sytem variables
rake highway:h0_shg_zone                # Do initial setup of shg_zone and prefix:..
rake highway:h1_bootstrap_ca            # Create initial self-signed CA certificate,..
rake highway:h2_bootstrap_masa          # Create a certificate for the MASA to sign ..
rake highway:h3_bootstrap_mud           # Create a certificate for the MASA to sign ..
rake highway:h4_masa_letsencrypt        # Ask LetsEncrypt for server certificate
rake highway:h4_masa_server_cert        # Create a certificate for the MASA web ..
rake highway:h5_idevid_ca               # Create a suborbinate CA for signing ..
rake highway:inventory                  # Maintain inventory of devices to buy, ..
rake highway:list_dev                   # List all devices with their state
rake highway:mud_json_sign              # Sign a MUD json FILE=in.json ...
rake highway:obsolete                   # Obsolete PRODUCTID=00-11-22-33-44-55
rake highway:signcsr                    # Create an IDevID certificate based ..
rake highway:signmic                    # Sign a IDevID certificate for a new ...
rake highway:signvoucher                # Sign voucher for device EUI64= to ...
rake highway:updatecert                 # Given a device by PRODUCTID=xxx, resign the IDevID

To facilitate testing and R&D work, the highway repo comes with a full set of configured objects and database entries in the form of fixtures. Fixtures are normally only loaded for testing, but they can be loaded into the development profile with:

% bundle exec rake db:fixtures:load

(ps: the use of “bundle exec” as a prefix is part of the rails/ruby/gem ecosystem that makes that each project uses the dependancies that are specified in the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock)

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/highway$ bundle exec rake highway:list_dev
Running MCR modified Jun 12 2022!
             PRODUCTID                       EUI64 status
         JADA_f2-00-01:          00-d0-e5-f2-00-01 unowned
                 12345:          00-d0-e5-f2-00-01 obsolete
     00-D0-E5-F2-00-02:          00-d0-e5-f2-00-02 unowned
      081196FFFE0181E0:    08-11-96-ff-fe-01-81-e0 owned by /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/ domain authority
     00-D0-E5-F2-00-03:          00-d0-e5-f2-00-03 owned by /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/ domain authority
     00-D0-E5-F2-10-03:          00-d0-e5-f2-10-03 owned by /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/ domain authority
     00-16-3e-8d-51-9b:          00-16-3e-8d-51-9b unowned
     d8-58-d7-00-8d-0f:          d8-58-d7-00-8d-0f unowned
     00-D0-E5-E0-00-0F:          00-d0-e5-e0-00-0f unowned
     00-D0-E5-F2-00-05:          00-d0-e5-f2-00-05 unowned
     3c-97-0e-b9-cd-98:          3c-97-0e-b9-cd-98 unowned
     3c-97-0e-b9-cd-9a:          3c-97-0e-b9-cd-9a unowned
     3c-97-0e-9b-dc-98:          3c-97-0e-9b-dc-98 unowned
     00-d0-e5-02-00-2d:          00-d0-e5-02-00-2d owned by /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Ottawa/O=Owner Example One/OU=Not Very/
     00-D0-E5-03-00-03:          00-d0-e5-03-00-03 owned by /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/ domain authority
     00-D0-E5-03-00-03:          3C-97-1E-9B-AB-46 owned by /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/ domain authority
          dockerTest01:          00-d0-e5-02-00-02 unowned

Start the server locally on port 9443 using:

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/highway$ RAILS_ENV=development bin/server &
[1] 5096
minerva@jiggers:/someplace/highway$ bin/server: line 5: /etc/profile.d/ No such file or directory
bin/server: line 6: rvm: command not found
RUNNING in /someplace/highway
Running MCR modified Jun 12 2022!
2022-06-12 23:34:30 -0400 Using rack adapter
2022-06-12 23:34:34 -0400 Thin web server (v1.8.1 codename Infinite Smoothie)
2022-06-12 23:34:34 -0400 Maximum connections set to 1024
2022-06-12 23:34:34 -0400 Listening on :::9443, CTRL+C to stop

Install curl if you do not already have it:

$ sudo apt-get install curl

And then check out the version and status.

% curl -k https://localhost:9443/version.json; echo

$ curl -k https://localhost:9443/status.json ; echo

Note that while one can use localhost:9443 in the IDevID certificates, it’s very confusing. Edit /etc/hosts to read:

mcr@jiggers:/someplace/minerva/ruby-openssl$ cat /etc/hosts       localhost
$ curl -k; echo

Note that -k is still needed to turn off certification validation in curl, because the certificate that is used comes from a private certification authority.

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/highway$ openssl s_client -connect
depth=0 C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN =
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN =
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN =
verify error:num=10:certificate has expired
notAfter=Feb 11 22:23:20 2021 GMT
verify return:1
depth=0 C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN =
notAfter=Feb 11 22:23:20 2021 GMT
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN =
   i:C = Canada, ST = Ontario, OU = Sandelman, CN = CA

Note that there is built-in support for acquiring a public certificate from LetsEncrypt using a dns-01 challenge, but that it requires RFC3007 (Dynamic DNS) access to the zone that you want host into. A future version will include http-01 challenge support. explains some of the hX setup tools that can be used to setup a production instance. In that case the use of the LXC container has been assumed.
