Setup database and run examples for fountain

Minerva Fountain MASA R&D configuration

ANIMA on the command line

The Fountain Registration Authority (Registrar) is an RFC8995 compliant BRSKI-MASA server. It includes support for both RFC8366 vouchers, and COSE/CBOR based constrained vouchers. It speaks both HTTPS and CoAPS (CoAP over DTLS).

It is designed to be deployed into a three-tier application framework with a front-end like Passenger, and a Postgres database backend. It is also available in the form of LXC, VMDK, and docker images, as well as as virtual appliance format. VirtualMachines

Note that while the MASA is operated by the manufacturer of an IoT device or ACP router, the Registrar is operated by the owner of the network to which the device should onboard.

This guide does not describe how to do production deployment, but rather how to set it up for R&D work. In such a configuration it runs as a single threaded foreground process answering HTTPS requests on localhost using a unique port number.

In many other systems, the HTTPS and certificate aspect of the system is not an essential part of the mechanism and R&D uses can often skip that. This is not the case for BRSKI: the security mechanisms are woven into the protocol and so getting them all setup correctly is essential for correct usage.

Assuming that the code has been installed in /someplace/fountain as described in Minerva Highway MASA and Fountain JRC local configuration use, then a test case situation is configured easily using the included can-o-pg present in the etc submodule.

This also assumes that you have already configured highway on the same machine.

First, open a new window, or use screen or tmux.

% cd /someplace/fountain/
% make

This step should locate the postgresql server executable and then initialize a postgresql cluster in the directory run/dbcluster. The command make stop will stop the cluster, and the command make clean will completely remove it.

If you get an error

WHERE IS POSTGRESQL/initdb --encoding=utf8 -D /someplace/highway/run/dbcluster

then the scripts failed to find an installed version of postgresql 10,11,12,13,14. Please install postgresql if it isn’t installed, or fix etc/

To complete the template installation, copy the generated database.yml:

% cp etc/database.yml ./config/database.yml

Update the database schema and run the test cases:

% bundle exec rake db:migrate
% bundle exec rake spec

As of 2022-06-13, there should be 170 examples, with no failures, but there may be 8 pending test cases.

There are a number of Registrar specific tasks that rake can do:

% rake -T
rake fountain:cert2pubkey                # Read a certificate from CERT= and extract ...
rake fountain:grasp                      # Start a GRASP server on port 7732
rake fountain:mud_telemetry              # Create process that listens for telemetry ...
rake fountain:s0_set_hostname            # Do initial setup of system variables, non-...PORT=xxx
rake fountain:s0_setup_jrc               # Do initial setup of sytem variables
rake fountain:s1_registrar_ca            # Create initial self-signed CA certificate ...
rake fountain:s2_create_registrar        # Create a certificate for the Registration ...
rake fountain:s3_admin_cert              # Create initial administrative account with...
rake fountain:s4_domain_authority        # Create a keypair for the domain owner to...
rake fountain:s5_add_brski_manufacturer  # Add BRSKI manufacturer from CERT=file,...
rake fountain:send_voucher_request       # send signed voucher request VRID=xx ...
rake fountain:sign_csr                   # Read a CSR from CSR= and sign it as ...

To facilitate testing and R&D work, the fountain repo comes with a full set of configured objects and database entries in the form of fixtures. This includes certificates and private key pairs that can be used for testing.

% bundle exec rake db:fixtures:load

Start the HTTPS server locally on port 8443 using:

$ RAILS_ENV=development ./startjrc

Note that there is a different script, “startj6rc” which starts the Constrained Version, which will be covered in a different posting.

Open another window/shell and run:

$ curl -k; echo

Now, change to the reach directory and configure it:

% ( cd .. && ln -s ChariWTs chariwt )
% cd ../reach && bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' && bundle install && bundle exec rake -T

Reach is a client library that speaks HTTPS to the Registrar to obtain a voucher, and then to enroll a device into the Registrar’s PKI using EST.

Reach comes with a number of IDevID certificates (and private keys) generated and coordinated by various instances of Highway, as well as some other vendor’s MASA.

The files are stored in a per-instance directory under spec/files/product, and for highway they are identified by at EUI-48. (The upper bits, 00-D0-E5, belong to a dead company that the author used to work at)

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach$ cd spec/files/product/
minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach/spec/files/product$ ls
00-D0-E5-01-00-16  00-D0-E5-02-00-39  00-D0-E5-F2-00-01  00-D0-E5-F2-00-0E  e75_100a
00-D0-E5-02-00-2D  00-D0-E5-03-00-03  00-D0-E5-F2-00-02  00-D0-E5-F2-00-10  Smarkaklink-1502449999
00-D0-E5-02-00-2E  00-D0-E5-90-00-1A  00-D0-E5-F2-00-03  00-D0-E5-F2-00-11
minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach/spec/files/product$ cd 00-D0-E5-F2-00-02
minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach/spec/files/product/00-D0-E5-F2-00-02$ ls -l
total 68
-rwxr-xr-x 1 minerva minerva  407 Jun 11 15:07 checkit
-rwxr-xr-x 1 minerva minerva  166 Jun 11 15:07
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva   74 Jun 13 00:27 csrattr.der
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  291 Jun 13 00:27 csr.der
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  644 Jun 11 15:07 device.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva   59 Jun 11 15:07 highway-test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  749 Jun 11 15:07 jrc_prime256v1.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  227 Jun 11 15:07 key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  546 Jun 11 15:07 ldevid.der
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  558 Jun 11 15:07 masa.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva  899 Jun 11 15:07 ownerca_secp384r1.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva 5336 Jun 11 15:07 parboiled_vr_00-D0-E5-F2-00-02.b64
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva 1509 Jun 11 15:07 vendor.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva 1601 Jun 13 00:27 voucher_00-D0-E5-F2-00-02.pkcs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 minerva minerva  293 Jun 11 15:07
-rw-r--r-- 1 minerva minerva 1682 Jun 13 00:27 vr_00-D0-E5-F2-00-02.pkcs

The file can be used to run everything properly, it basically just CDs to the top directory and then runs the code with current directory as a product directory. It can be run locally, or via a path and it will figure things out.

(cd $(dirname $0)/../../../..
 bundle exec rake reach:enroll_http_pledge PRODUCTID=spec/files/product/00-D0-E5-F2-00-02 JRC=

Run ./ (some lines ommitted):

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach/spec/files/product/00-D0-E5-F2-00-02$ ./
MASA/JRC provided voucher of type application/voucher-cms+json; charset=utf-8
Voucher connects to /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/
vs:   /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/
Voucher authenticates this connection!
Other: #<Net::HTTPUnauthorized:0x0000558c89a3ccd8>
mv: cannot stat '../../../../tmp/csr*': No such file or directory

This did not succeed in doing the enrollment because the default trust was not set on the Registrar to for a promiscious trust. Observer in the fountain window that it:

  1. Reached out to the MASA:
Contacting server at: about 00-D0-E5-F2-00-02 [2]
Asking for voucher of type: application/voucher-cms+json
MASA at says OK
MASA provided voucher of type application/voucher-cms+json
  1. But, when asked to enroll with EST, it declined:
client connected to device 32 was not considered to have become trusted

So, in some window (where 32 is replaced with whatever number was given):

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/fountain$ bundle exec rails console
irb(main):001:0> d=Device.find(32)
irb(main):002:0> d.manufacturer.trust_brski!

You’ll see some database updates scroll by in the fountain window. In the reach window, up-arrow-return:

minerva@jiggers:/someplace/reach/spec/files/product/00-D0-E5-F2-00-02$ ./
MASA/JRC provided voucher of type application/voucher-cms+json; charset=utf-8
Voucher connects to /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/
vs:   /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/
Voucher authenticates this connection!

Registrar returned CSR of type application/csrattrs; charset=utf-8
new device gets rfc822Name:
Registrar returned certificate of type application/pkcs7-mime; charset=utf-8 [in tmp/certificate.der]

Please note that the format of the CSR attributes is subject to update in the LAMPS WG!

If you go back to the highway window, and do:

$ curl -k; echo

You’ll see that the numbers increased. There is also a log for highway in log/development.log, which should be examined:

less -r log/development.log

To: minerva
Subject: New cms_voucher voucher issued for Device 00-D0-E5-F2-00-02
Mime-Version: 1.0

Message from

Device Device 00-D0-E5-F2-00-02 [12] was re-sold to
Registrar at ::ffff: with DN: /DC=ca/DC=sandelman/CN=localhost.
